Which of the 4 elements (Water, Fire, Earth and Wind) would actually be the most powerful to possess?
What are creative ways you could use portal powers in combat? (aside from defense)
Hear. Me. Out. He is babygirl
Do you have any OCs who are meant to be HATED?
Mom says it's my turn to get roasted
take it
Send me your last saved photo
Send me your most cursed image
What is your last saved image?
Name a character that can beat these characters.
If lebron had this glove and full knowledge of it, could he defeat all of fiction? (No glaze)
Give me your best reaction images cause I'm bored.
Do it
Lemme see y’all’s hardest image
Name any 1 item(real or fictional) and I'll turn it into a superpower
What is one battle, ONE that you would kill to see?
lil check in here
What are the devious things you can do with this combo
To cross the border, you have to give me a meme
Looking for monsters to draw
Where would you place your OC on the alignment chart?
Say "Stanley" and let autocomplete finish it.
type "sonic is" and then let auto correct finish the sentence (image kinda related)
What 3 superpowers would you have.