Uhh 🥵 ahh 😩 is that a monga 🥭
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Yüzü açmak da doğum günü dileğine girer mi!
Orucun sınıfsal analizini yaptım sonuçlar şaşırtıcı değildi
Muho 10
Which moment that you wish it had never happened?
Which is most bizarre but hard to forget memory in your mind?
Which historical celebrity is underrated?
If we could take back a vital mistake for world, what it had to be?
Which incorrect knowledge known as correct and tricks people for long time?
Which invention was a big mistake for humanity?
What would you do first if you wake up in a random body every morning?
which knowledge made you regret learning it?
Which internet trend or joke you want to make it stop and forgetten?
Which event, if it had happened differently, would have changed the course of world history?
How would use a power that enable you to enter dreams who ever you want?
Which historical figure missed an great opportunity just because that it bornt at wrong time?
Which opinion would you dictate to all people in world if you could?
Which modern habit will be ridiculous after 100 years?