I'm butthurt that GW took away our Prime, so I made my own
Had Mark not been safe here, Omni-Man wouldn’t have remembered this moment as joyful or maybe even at all before killing Mark. Mark scoring this run saved the entire planet
Favorite child murderer, not as in "they murder children" as in "child that commits murder"
The Immortal is a fraud and so is his pookie
Battle-shock is the worst rule in 10th
Bitter Iron Warriors go brrrrrr
You know what, I wanna ask this,why do people say that Mark forgave Nolan for what he's done?
If she tells you "You don't need to take Testosterone to be a man. It makes you bald, hairy and aggressive" when you tell her you want to take HRT then RUN!
Trygon on Space Marine 2 public test sever
Legienstrasse… Alright, head me out…
What do you think would be needed to make Hive Guard viable?
Favorite character whose design is commonly misremembered?
Look at this
Which game has the better feathered raptor?
Races whose primary thing is to consume and assimilate all organic life (or even everything in general)
It’s hard out here for us iron hands fans being compared to the imperial fists 2.0s
Good guys who turn bad and eventually cause an apocalypse and/or genocide.
Me whenever I see someone saying 'Jp was never about accuracy'(I know full well it isn't that deep but it still bothers me immensely.)
Call me down bad but why are all the Viltrumite’s sooo hot ? 😭
List advice! Vangaurd onslaught
Huh... HUH??
The Chronicles of Touching Grass, Volume 12: Tuscaroarin'
The absolute largest piece of garbage in the setting
Character shows vulnerability but it somehow makes them even more terrifying