Viet Kieu regrets
Does Vietnam really have no clean tap water?
Vietnam to use Chinese loans for $8.3 billion railway linking both countries
Yêu nước online??
Are any other asexuals kinda…uncomfortable with how asexuality is being used against shipping
Give me your hottest take that would've got you blacklisted in your fandom.
Dom Ni but with strong Ti?
What does your inner monologue think about?
What's it like listening to Ne-doms? How do you experience Ne-doms?
Anyone else feel like an outsider in typology?
What are three things you don’t like about yourself
Reddit activity statistics
State your type and answer these 10 questions
Strict Rule Haters?
tell me your experiences with diplomats
What’s your MBTI and what industry do you work in / wish you were in?
What is each type's level of imagination ? INFJ and i go for 2.
How does your 16Personalities label (debater, advocate, logician, etc.) inadequately define your type?
did your type change as you grew up?
what's your mbti type and political ideology?
What triggers you the most?
Sometimes I feel out of place in this sub
"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.
Mbti & your favourite/least favourite subject at school
As an INTP, i fit into almost every INTJ stereotype i see, but barely any INTP ones