one of my groups has this tierlist trend, here's mine
You can only choose one.
V akom veku ste sa odsťahovali od rodičov?
WIBTA if I tell my husband he can’t leave the job he hates?
What stopped you from ending your life?
A Cool Guide | What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder stones?
What I got from Reddit wrapped
If you can bring back one artist who would it be?
Update on Wilhelmine, she's broken her hunger strike! (Yes I know the waxworm is a little too big for her but it was the smallest one I could get and I will monitor her to make sure she's okay)
And thus continues the Samantha lineage
[Potentially Urgent] Two months old dumpy acting out of character and not eating for two days (no outward injury or illness)
You never think it will happen to you
Would anyone from Denmark move to the US?
What food do you absolutely hate
Lmao look at how I caught her sleeping. That branch is almost vertical and she's side up, belly out.
Do satanists accept suicide?
What’s the one thing you swore you’d never become… but totally are now?
I have no idea who this guy is and this message couldn't be creepier 😭
Feeding a two month old dumpy frog twice a week?
What’s the saddest movie you ever seen?
This absolutely monstrous mama shrimp someone posted on Facebook
What is a random fact about yourself most people wouldn't know?
Whats a thing you own that you are convinced everyone should go buy right now?
Felt cute, might joint the other cursed dolls at the local antique store later, idk