I have been trying to find this cover forever, and I need help
guys I found Keisuke he is real
Tell me
Looks like they put more effort into Ren in the last episode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But I can't explain why I feel glad that they did it
A funni Initial D meme I made a year ago
Why dose this look like a Young Bunta with Kenta?
Gaiden accurate Natsuki Mogi(my first draw a anime art,and it suck).
Keisuke-san has got it goin on
Yo, I'm Darki, that guy who made the Battle Stage REMAKEs, it's my first time posting something here, make your questions about everything you want to know, yes, everything.
An attempt of an Irohazaka Jump
Ryosucc and Tacomeat
Mature is realising Deja Vu don’t even come close to the best Eurobeat in the series, prove me wrong
Is there a page on insta or tiktok dedicated to eurobeat
We do agree that the battle against Shingo was one of the best (if not the best) battles, right?
Favorite car in initial d
Initial Reference Stage
MF Ghost Episode 14 Takumi AE86 flashback
iketani gets lost
“You can’t hear image-“
who was Ryosuke talking about
Which race(s) had the best soundtrack?
INITIAL D Complete REMASTER (Season 5 Update)
Guys how am I funny
Music helps you focus...
Guess the Treat!