Would anybody be interested in my Reeve Superman?
Figures for sale
Reduced prices on my collection for sale
My first Mezco! I get it now.
Fortress of solitude
What's your favorite blue Batman?
Detective Comics #27 figure to trade.
I'm Buzz Lightyear! No, I'm Buzz Lightyear!
Going out shopping tomorrow, what should i buy? (One of these isn’t marvel legends, is that okay?)
17 New Figures For Sale (Asking retail or less + 6% sales tax + shipping)
Recreated One of My Childhood Favorites - Kenner's Iron Winch Batman
Tec-Shield Batman
My Custom Tec-Shield Batman
What can you say about the Batman Rebirth body?
How did I do?
Stay tuned...
I can’t explain it…
Traveling light!
Just saw this post on FB....
Show us your newest figurine you bought.
The Holy Trinity
Does displaying Adam West's Batman make sense or is Michael Keaton's Batman a better choice?
Loose figures/ accessories for sale