Estou certo no que disse ou realmente fui burro que nem um incel ?
anyone know how doo this bug? we need report this in discord, they are stacking 24 hour chest for months, they will use in t2 and **** the economy
Fishing got nerfed?!
Tipo de merda que me faz querer arrancar os olhos
Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t
PvP and PvE Defense skill GS/SPEAR
With so many people talking about alliances, I ask you this. Would you rather?
Mulheres que são amigas de homens que fazem piadas machistas tem a mesma "energia" que gays de direita?
Remove Alliances NOW and save the game
Hopping Back in on this game?
Meta Builds please
How do artifacts work?
We don't need to remove alliances, we need small scale PvP
What do you guys doo... Spear ITS a trash now in Kr version
why the hell is focused fire bomb spec been unnerfed from the previous 6 second buff then nerfed to 3 seconds and now secretly its been reintroduced back to its former 6 seconds ?????
Nerf everything... except my weapon
Aren't you tired of spear daggers?
THRONE AND LIBERTY Patch Notes - 1.15.0 - (2/12/25)
Healing and Tanking gives you now assist in PvP. This is HUGE W!
Projected costs of T2 upgrades (with data from KR)
This gonna be wild server merges
Why playing on a dead server is not bad at all
Maintenance Extended through at least 2PM EST (8P CET)
Guys, appreciate your tanks