Gambling addiction ruined FIRE
Doing a 180 career change or side hustle when nearing 40?
Should I contact my ex-girlfriend eventually, or let her go completely?
Why do breakups cripple us?
31M been single my whole life and I'm just feeling kinda down
I am 25 years and never have been in a relationship
My 3 year journey to dig myself out of $60k in debt!
How to tell my boyfriend I don’t want him sleeping over anymore?!
Can loving someone hurt this bad?
I'm sorry Mom and Dad.
What’s your biggest relationship regret?
Men, have you ever found a woman who has 100% of what you want? I honestly have never have and aim for the 70-75% mark, anything more is gravy
I (27M) don’t think I ever got over my first love and it’s starting to impact my current relationship. What should I do?
What’s the deal with getting someone to be vulnerable with you and then leaving?
Why do people cheat while in a relationship? To me it seems like a lot of effort, stress and time. Why not just break up or divorce instead of being unfaithful and hurting someone? I just don’t get it.
I was loved bombed and now I’m broken
The “I truly do love you but I’m breaking up with you.”
Do you regret how you treated your ex?
Saw my ex’s glow-up. Now I’m unexpectedly curious.
Lost 3.5k and i can't get over it
How have past breakups effected dating for you today?
I’m thinking about breaking up with my gf
Thinking About Quitting
Being in my 50s, I’ve learned that financial stability and quality of life often come with tough choices.
Best unreleased zb song in your opinion