If you ever had sex or a gf then I simply do not respect you
i think i’m at rock bottom
What about the NEETs
Who here has rich parents?
Any other NEETs like night walks?
Being a NEET despite trying and hard work
I don't want a crappy job
So true
living out my fantasies in video games
What’s your Favorite NEET pass time?
Anybody else constantly thinking “wtf am I going to do?”
What happened to upbeat neetdom
Anyone else get a chance to check out the lunar eclipse?
Do you also sometimes eat instant noodles raw straight from the package?
How do you guys handle futility?
Absurd level of antisocial
How is healthcare for NEETs where you live?
How do you not get so bored?
Anyone else given up on human relationships?
Don’t know what to do anymore
How can normies cope?
Anyone here read books?
I'm actually surprised how resilient i am, i've been a friendless neet since early '16.
Sometimes I harbor desires of destruction.
Today was a good day
Another teenager suicide in my city