What would you do if your friends partner is low key hitting on you?
Who rides better? Thick or thin.
What do you use when you masturbate? Ladies: Fingers, vibrator, plug dildo, grinding, shower head? Gents: Sleeve, lube, stroker, pump, hand, grinding?
Have you ever been cat-called, and did you like it?
Ladies...what sex position does absolutely nothing for you...
Which part of porn helped you in bed?
How many women are actually size queens and who doesn’t care?
What makes your bad manager, a bad manager?
Got super drunk last night and told all my friends I have herpes. Happy Halloween 💀
My oral herpes isn't like other peoples'....?
how many reddit men and women prefer very slow penetration and thrusting during sex? I'm a fan of it personally...
Bumps on left pubic area
Is whiskey d*ck a real thing?
Have you had a wardrobe malfunction an accidentally flashed someone, it just happened to me?
what does the cvs worker think when you buy razor blades?
I stole vids from my sisters phone
I've been playing Valhalla for 18 hours and have found NO new gear.
ENM person I'm seeing never mentions their primary partner
guys whats the deal of sucking fingers?
Being a woman on dating apps is so fun!
If you could go back five years, what would you change about your future?
How many of you guys also use drugs? Whether to restrict or for other reasons.
how do you guys feel about edtwt?
What piece of clothing do you think is the sexiest?