Is Kenku too op?
My son wants to rap about nonsense. Why?
People thinking their better than others for the generation they were born in
People who delete their comments
A beloved pet or 250k
Mother says I should “drop out”
An Immortal with cats
Good reads in the Bible aside from the gospel and Books of Moses
Alcohol Hate Here
Orthodox saints who had children?
What's the official exegesis of Matthew 5:17-20 in the orthodox church?
“We were all kids once”
People who say their grade rather than their age
Ignoring phonetic pronunciation in the use of “a” vs “an”
What so many people call "picky" is just not liking foods they like
Which will you choose?
What would happen if we found life on another planet?
$1000 a day but you get more intrusive thoughts.
$66/day but you can never lock the door when using bathroom
Refusing to venerate icons: is it motive for anathema?
Did St. Clement of Rome accept predestination?
$50K, and your Reddit name is now your legal name
You will be given a million dollars, but you can only use it to try to “build a life” for yourself in a rural area.