Need spouse tax info
St. Patrick’s Day
Why are the urinals at the Visalia Courthouse elevated?
COS Visalia campus
Anyone see what they were protesting on Mooney and Caldwell?
MAGA Supporting Businesses
More federal stupidity
Trump has ordered the release of water from Lake Kaweah and Lake Success
How is everyone feeling abt the bird flu jumping to humans?
Anyone not shopping big corp anymore?
I’m thinking about switching to nursing
When air vomit becomes real vomit?
How hard was nursing school 1 out of ten being the hardest
Nurses, why is a catheter so strongly recommended for a planned C-section?
A quick reminder for all my fellow healthcare workers
I am scared
Local PD came to our unit and asked about staff immigration status
Anyone else in Public Health getting “Don’t freak out, But” memos about the possible pausing and unfunding of their jobs?
What’s going to happen to nurses?
Beyond meat pizza pocket
Finally Had It
Alcohol is vegan
why do people cut themselves
Don’t know anyone in visalia