Finally got around to watching X-Men 97 really disappointed with how they handled storm

Okay to be honest I didn't really like the show as a whole I thought it was really rushed they went over major comic book plot points in about 5 minutes not really giving it the time it needed to be fleshed out. I also understand that they were only given 10 episodes to work with but I think it would have been better to maybe focus on about two plot points rather than covering like 40 years of comics in 10 episodes.

Most of the characters weren't handled great except for maybe jubilee and rogue so this isn't a storm exclusive issue but as a storm fan I'm biased and it really annoyed me.

My problem with storm is that her story was rushed of losing her powers. This is a huge deal in the comics it is the best storm story line and it was resolved in about three episodes in the show. I think her initially losing her powers was done really well that moment felt very impactful but it just went downhill after that. We barely see her in those three episodes an episode where she finally gets her powers back was just lame. She literally just believes in herself and she gets her powers back that's it it's very anti-climactic. And then when she gets her powers back she doesn't even rush to go back with the X-Men she only goes when professor Xavier returns. As for her relationship with forage, their chemistry is lacking I know a lot of their development happened off-screen but because of that it feels out of the blue.

Personally I feel like storm should have been depowered for the entire season at the very least. And we should have seen her lead the X-Men while depowered because it shows her strength as a character.

Edit: grammar