[Question] Just an idea for the people who want premium that fully works without the bugs
If you have another phone, install the play store version and have it play random songs overnight, then in the morning, close the app and then re open it, check to see if you get a "welcome back" pop up, they also email it to you. This worked for me and two other people I told.
When xmanager spotify first got killed i tried the Firefox method (it was buggy and most of the time it stopped playing after every song, and only played for 10s then was mute) but the next day, spotify sent me a in app pop up & email saying "welcome back" and to enjoy 1mo on them. So that could get you the premium for 1mo (you would need the official play store app if you do that offer, uninstall the modded one)
Join someone's family plan (and don't give them a penny since free is the goal) or ask someone who you know has premium to see if they have the "gift a friend premium for 2mo".
OPTION #3) (not fully recommend, but possibly an option) If you login on the websites and edit your location to nigeria, then premium only costs $0.71 a month, yeah crazy to think it's $11.99 + tax in the USA but only $0.71 in africa.
The plans are yearly or monthly. It's 13,000 NGN for 1 year. 13,000 NGN is converted to $8.58. $8.58 ÷ 12mo is $0.71mo.
If you want to do a monthly plan, it like 7 cents more so like $0.78/mo.
I'm not sure if payment would work, since it's ngn, but they accept the same methods, I mean i bought CAD priced stuff and it was converted to USD, so I think it would work, but if not, a spotify giftcard might work.