Do agents hate success?
Edit: For everyone who answered honestly, I appreciate you responses. I feel a little better talking about it a bit and you all gave me stuff to think about. Thanks for your answers and your candid response.
I decided to kill the thread because just stating my situation seems to set some people off and i dont want this thread turning into a controversial argument.
Im 39, and not only earned a bachelors, but spent 8 years in doctoral school before I started writing, which i only started becaise my son died and i wanted an outlet. We each are in our own phase of writing, and noone should feel bad for what they have or havent accompished. You all write at your own pace and ability and have your own accomplishments, and were all different. Peace and Love, Good luck to all of you.
P.s My penname is Whatsawhizzer. If you google it, thats me.