I want to play, but don’t want to play

Hi, I play blood dk and I think I can play blood dk. Always did ksm with him. But every new season I’m more afraid to play with randoms. I have depressions and social anxiety and use wow a bit to escape reality. I play wow since wotlk and always loved it. But I fear the toxic players in m+ 😅 I watched guides, did m0, have gs 642 and I think I could make it. But I don’t want to make a single mistake cause I’m afraid of random toxic players. I know that not every player is like that, but many of them.

Someone feels the same way? How you guys do it? Don’t give a fuck? 😂

EDIT: Wow, that post got a lot of reactions, didn’t except that 😄 thank you all for your advices and private messages. At first I joined the no pressure discord and did already two keys, intime, chill, very good! I try now to find a cool guild too! Ty very much guys!