M+ feels like a joke
I feel like not playing what is meta and playing dps I almost don’t want to play the game. I main monk this expansion and love it, I have 608 ilvl and do over 1mil dps and have my rotations down very well and don’t really die. But I can’t ever get an invite to anything above m+2. I feel like I can easily do higher keys but nobody else thinks monks can or wants a monk and when I run my own keys I’ve ran a 6 and cleared it with top dps no deaths. but I’m never getting an invite when I sign up for others and it’s such a grind and really sucks because I get one piece of gear maybe every 3 dungeons. Also if I do a heroic pub raid I never roll gear and everyone that already has the gear still rolls on it, it just feels really dumb tbh. Currently me and my friends are building up a guild but the problem is we only have 60% of us that are the same every week and so we have to learn fights over and over again with new players that come and go and that just make us wipe so we haven’t full cleared heroic yet. It sucks cause I feel like this gear progression just feels bad tbh. Any recommendations or anyone feel the same way? I want to get to 620 but I’m just slowly going up 1-2 ilvl per week.