Anybody else's job anxiety inducing?

I've only been here 3 months and am starting to dread going more and more each day.

I am working a program with about 8 other people who are spread across different locations, however I will be working with a special population.

When I applied for the job, the job post description DID NOT mention the special population, nor that it was a new program.

It was mentioned on the 3rd round of interviews, and I desperately needed a job so I took it.

Fastforward 3 months to now. I have so many meetings to go to. Some of which I don't even get word of until the day of.

Like yesterday. I got a meeting invite so I went. My name and information was on the person's PowerPoint slide and I was asked to come up and speak about my role and the program!

Where do they do that at?!

I have been here 3 months and I am SICK of having to introduced myself to crowds and groups of people.

I'll add to this that I don't even feel like the job is THAT serious to where "everybody" needs to know me and know what I do here.

I'll also add that the others aren't haven't to do this all all, or if so, very infrequently.

I did not ask for all of this.

Either I need anxiety medication ( which I've never had before) or to find a new job.

Why " complain" and talk to the manager about being anxious? I'd rather quit 🥴