This article on parking from Hello West Chester has greatly upset me. Parking Minimums kill towns.
This is the article. It solidly confirms for me the Borough Council and the BID are absolutely cluless boomer monstrosities focused solely on appeasing random fellow boomers with businesses instead of actually guiding the growth of a town. Speak to ANY MEMBER of the Borough Council and they will tell you "a business complains there isn't enough parking". And that is their justification for a host of poison pills that will turn this town into a Strip Mall. The article also mentions how dense West Chester has become. We should be cultivating that density, not pretending we're a Suburb. Every new building in town will be a private parking garage. There's absurd! And there will be NOTHING done to let you live in town without a car. There is zero planning for a market, for a dry goods store, for any of the necessities you need to live in a town. The expectation is always to "drive to Giant". They even pretend you can walk there after turning the Daily News building into the world's most pathetic development. I don't know if that "path" ever even got built. But that's what it was sold on.
This town is going to Hell. Every single member of the Borough Council should be voted out. They are literal bought and sold pieces of shit. No respect. Fuck 'em all. I want a single person on here to get angry. Though I know for a fact there's a few bad agents on this subreddit, voting solely to protect their wallet (or their AirBNB) instead of for the good of the town. You can all go to hell too.
West Chester has been making big steps recently. I love West Chester. I have loved it for decades. But what these Elderly People, who won't be around for future decades to see what they have created - they are fucking this town over. So is Eli Kahn - the biggest piece of shit to ever live.
Fuck all of them. If we're going to save this town, they all need to go.