First Rigid Heddle Loom for an Inkle Weaver: Ashford Knitter's Loom?

I'm looking for a nice sized rigid heddle loom that is easy to travel (I move a lot) and also I can use my own rigid heddles in (mostly my Sigga and Sunna Stoorstalka heddles I would like to use since there is nothing else similar). Also something that is mobile enough to use in many places, preferably a folding loom. I have been inkle weaving for 3 years, the inklette was my favorite because it was small and mobile and since I could weave even in places like my bed, it was easier to avoid back pain, though I obviously couldn't use my stoorstalka heddles on it. I have broken it so many times it is pretty much at the point of unfixable and I've been without a loom for a while (my full-size Schacht inkle loom, I left at my parents house, I have few places I have the room to use it due to its length and everywhere to use it, I must bend over a lot and it hurts my back!). I'd also love to start doing some projects outside inkle weaving and also possibly trying my inkle patterns in a larger format.

I've looked at the 12" Ashford Knitter's Loom, and it looks like it has what I need, but I want to know what people think about the Ashford Knitter's Loom or if there's another loom that you think might suit me even better before I make a purchase!

Keep in mind, I really do not want to go over $500!

Also added a picture of my work, just so you can see :)