[REMINDER] ⚠️ How to Submit an Effective Support Request

Commanders, to ensure your support requests are handled efficiently in War Thunder Mobile, please utilize the appropriate channels:

To help our specialists quickly identify and resolve your issue, please provide a detailed description, along with supporting screenshots, videos, and log files.


💾 Log files are critical for diagnosing and fixing bugs. They provide a detailed record of your actions during the gameplay session.

To retrieve the most recent log file:

  1. Completely close the War Thunder Mobile application (ensure it is fully closed, not just minimized).
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
  • Android: \Android\media\com.gaijingames.wtm\files\logs\acces The file name is debug.clog – select the file with the latest date.
  • Huawei Android: \Android\media\com.gaijingames.wtm.huawei\logs\acces The file name is debug.clog – select the file with the latest date.
  • iOS: Files\War Thunder Mobile
  • The file name is aces.clog – select the file with the latest date.


🐌 WTM team


*Reposted from WTM Discord