The Kirin Tor's "Mistakes"
While there was discussion about the "Fate of the Kirin Tor" questline when it originally came out, I didn't find any discussions about how the characters kept talking about the Kirin Tor making "mistakes" that led to Dalaran's downfall, and with time to stew on things.... I still can't fathom what the game's talking about.
Like am I nuts? Dalaran was blown up by a god damn void bomb from Xal'atath, how is the story trying to posit that it's somehow the Kirin Tor's fault they couldn't do anything about it?
The closest I can figure is that they cameo Kel'Thuzad and mention how the Kirin Tor is susceptible to corruption because one archmage turned to necromancy.... like 30 years ago. They also touch on pride but the Kirin Tor never exactly was infamous for their hubris. They cite "meddling in world affairs" but it's not like they were trying to police the world, they were responding to world-ending threats that involved them too.
This feels like N'zoth's "MANY TRUTHS" thing all over again, where they want to make some kind of subversive message (i.e. ooooh the light's evil actually not the void) but they can't muster up any kind of argument or examples, so instead Jaina, Kalec, and Co. just keep saying "Mistakes" without bringing up any specific examples.