Gryllus Prime Command Meeting - Southern Front
The southern front commanders, and any others that wished, were invited onboard the Glorious Visage. As their ships approached the Carrack class transport they saw the extensive up-armouring the ship had gone through. Its prow now bulky but sharpened, the sides of the ship fat with plates fabricated on. Loading bays had been replaced with a solid interior for transporting Sisters of the Order of Saint Valerie wherever the Emperor called them. Once tall hangers were now cramped and stuffed with Valkyries, though several bays had been cleared to receive the commanders.
The interior of the ship was crisp. Only 130 years old, there were Astartes now onboard older than her. Though it looked much as any Imperial ship did, one could tell its youth. It had only been indentured to the Order for 2 of its years and already the marks of faith were being left. Incense burners hung in the corridors, small shrines pressed into walls, scripture had been unrolled and pinned against doors attached with wax seals. Some would see it as holy, others a mess.
Commanders and their parties were lead to the bridge of the ship, the only space big enough to host such a meeting. The oval room looked out along the top of the ship, its Fleur de Lis figure head pointing up like the iron sights of a weapon. The room was rather unremarkable though. Stations around the outside for various operating positions, a large holotable in the centre. Refreshments were handed from pewter trays by young Acolytes as Voidsmen stood at attention by the walls. When all had gathered Taranovska dimmed the lights, emphasizing the holotables glow.
“Commanders. Thank you for gathering for this strategy meeting. As you will have seen, we are to take the southern most area of the main continent of Gryllus Prime” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. The south was so far away from the main Hive city in the north, and that was where the true glory would be had. The Holomap transformed to a focused view of the area.
“I have chosen the fishing port city of Satu as our initial landing site. Imperial spies have passed reliable information that a large loyalist cell operates from here. It is also far out of the range of orbital artillery, making approach easy. From here our path to dominate the south is guarded by the T’au city of Voir’Karra (Those in the room that spoke or had heard the T’au language winced at the pronunciation) A new city in the arid expanse before the deserts of Gryllus Prime. Though it has shield technology to protect from orbital bombardment, they are not as powerful as the Capital city. A sustained attack, or covert destruction of power generators will make the city easy for the taking. This is the primary location for the T'au military in the south and once it is gone, we can focus on the southern jungles. As our forces focus on the city, we will need to defend from those jungles, as that is where the alien known as 'Kroot' now dwell. They seem fanatically loyal to the T'au and will know the that terrain better than we possibly ever will. It would be best to draw out as many as possible in this opening stage. Once we have secured the eastern coast, we may then make plans for moving on the southern city of Menonis, clearing the jungle as we do.”
The holotable faded slightly as lights around the room glowed brighter.
“I have no illusions that I hold no rank over Imperial Guard, Knight housholds or Astartes. I open the floor to questions or suggestions”
u/CarloFugazza 143rd Krieg Siege Regiment
u/MagicMissile27 1st Americadian Rifles
u/matklug 58th Cangovia Mecanized
u/Spannerandgear 34th Legion of the Republic of Aeternus
u/TalismenZero Vanan 105th Scout Regiment
u/t8mars The Phalanxian First and Proud
u/elementalfishbird 17th Riasc Light Infantry
u/Commander-Tover Strikegroup Einherjar
u/MagicMissile27 House Caledon
u/Bercom_55 The Vengeful Company
u/BoultonPaulDefiant Noose Strike Force
(Ooc, hope the tags work. All commanders/envoys are welcome at the meeting)