Advanced Game Settings Confusion
Some of the settings seem to have duplicates under different tabs. "Resource Yield Multiplier" for example, appears at both Equipment tab and Items tab. Items tab explains it as,
"Multiplies the resource yield for harvesting resources such as trees, minerals and plants."
While Equipment tab explains as,
"Multiplies the amount of materials obtained from harvesting resources".
What is the difference? Does this mean if both set to 2.0 then it would multiply resource gain from materials to 4.0? or is there a difference between these settings, has anyone tried them out separately? There are some duplicate settings under Vampire and Items as well.
Edit: For anyone reading this and looking for an answer, after some testing, Items tab seems to be the amount the resources have.
For example if copper ore has 100 resource, 2.0 would multiply it to 200.
It doesn't multiply the amount you get each swing per se, but increases how much resource they hold.
For the equipment tab, it increases the amount you get each swing.
If you got 15 copper ore in a single swing, with 2.0 you will get 30 copper ore.