I found out yesterday that there are others like me.

Since childhood I was able to control goose bumps on my skin at different rates from low to high amounts and while doing so I can control the intervals from them appearing and disappearing ( usually around 5 seconds).

I don’t know if you guys experienced it like me but when I try to focus on making goosebumps appear I hear like a wind like noise or rather pressure which is hard to explain.

I always thought it was normal and that everyone could do, until last night where as a curious question I asked chat GPT( A.I) about being able to control goosebumps and found out that not everyone can do it. What is fascinating to me is that I have a literal Identical twin ( same egg) and he cannot do what I can even though we are genetically the same person. Maybe he has a dormant gene I am not sure.

Often times I get goosebumps reaction to some of the songs I always listen to or more mythological characters. I have always been fascinated with greek gods and because of the feeling of awe of them I get goosebumps every time.

I can control goosebumps but sometimes I make them appear based on my emotions and in different parts of my body too. For example, When I am sad I make goosebumps on the back of my neck or front. When I am angry, I focus them on my arms and when I am scared or have anxiety I focus them around my whole body.

Last night, after figuring out that VGP is rare I tried to see if anyone besides my twin in my family could do it and none of them could. Finding this subreddit has given me so much energy and curiosity to see others like me and kind of makes me not feel alone. I just now know that there are a lot of you out there and I want to know your experiences.