A Couple Things

Hey yall I just wanted to make sure a couple things are clear to everybody that uses this sub without doing proper research beforehand 💋 Not in order: 1. Start with maybe doing your research about ballroom before asking generic questions about it! 2. Ballroom is not just “Pose” or “Legendary” and the individuals acting or filmed in those shows have real identities that either are or are not a part of ballroom- Dominique Jackson is NOT Elektra so stop consistently referring to her as such on her Instagram. 3. It is a DIP, a DIP, not a “death drop”. A dip is one of the five elements of vogue and has never, ever been a death drop until the element got appropriated into mainstream gay and drag culture. 4. Stop nagging your ballroom friend to take you to a ball! If ballroom is the right place for you ballroom will find you. Oftentimes people in ballroom are in houses or are on very tight schedules during balls and cannot play chaperone, especially if you are walking into a ball having done very little research on how balls are ran and on ballroom culture in general! 5. Understand the difference between BQ, FQ, BQUID, GNC, etc. simple as that 6. Vogue femme was created by transgender woman so study the work of the femme queens- Niambi, Leiomy, Sinia, Meeka (TO NAME A FEW)- as part of your learning of VF. 7. BE RESPECTFUL. Be courteous to those around you and don’t just attend balls to throw a little bit of shade that you picked up from Pose. 8. If you are not a person of color, don’t be offended or mad when people are not coming up to say hi to you or it feels like you aren’t succeeding in the scene- half of the time it’s because you’re not engaging in the ballroom community and making an effort to establish that you care about the community, and it also is often because you are not doing it right! Hence, take the time to learn… 9. Keep your eyes wide open and your ears even wider. Learn from those who have been in ballroom and LISTEN to them speak- especially the Icons and Legendary individuals- because you will learn so much from even one person in the scene, with multiple perspectives diversifying your learning.

If I can learn all of this as a white 19-year old butch queen from a less-LGBTQ-centric state, so can you. Also please feel free to add to this in the comments because as I said, the overall narrative from everybody in the scene is ESSENTIAL!!