I just want people to stop lying to me

Can we just be honest? I’m a virgin cause I’m autistic, short, and ugly. My “emotional intelligence” or “views on women” are not the problem. I get no matches cause I’m short and ugly. I don’t think women could give a fuck about my personality or emotional intelligence. Why would they? We are all shallow to some degree. If I was a hot person I’d be shallow. The reason that I don’t care about looks is cause I can’t care about looks. I can’t afford to be picky cause I’m not in demand. I either have to date someone as ugly or uglier than me or be a virgin forever. Women don’t have to do that. But I feel like we aren’t supposed to say the quiet part out loud. Looks get your foot in the door, personality does not. If you don’t pass the initial looks test your personality means absolutely nothing to women. They want you to leave them alone if they are not attracted to you physically at first glance.