Fast food workers piss me off!

I know that there are a lot of people who work fast food that are great at their job, but to the ones who mess up an order even though it’s listed on a screen in front of you, to the ones who forget to put everything in the bag, and to the ones who get frustrated when you ask for alterations… go f*** yourselves.

Your jobs are made to be brain dead jobs, yet you still manage to mess up 40% of the time. I shouldn’t have to check the food before driving home to make sure that everything is correct. I know that some ppl treat yall like sh!t, but I know that there are people like me who treat yall extremely nice even when you make a mistake.

I had to come to reddit for this because I don’t want to ruin someone’s day when they are at work, even though they constantly ruin mine when I’m just trying to get a quick meal when I’m feeling lazy during lunch or coming home from work.

I’m just sick of your incompetence. I understand that stuff happens sometimes, but it should be VERY rare for a task as simple as yours.

Do better or keep being a loser. It’s up to you.