i hate porn and the entire industry
I hate men who watch porn and sexual things like that and i hate porn baiting women who post for male attention i hate that this is a way people make their money i hate that every-time i look something up on reddit theres somehow always a nsfw option for every single thing ever i hate how easy it is for a man to grow up being a porn addict and how they think its normal i hate that my first relationship ever was ruined because a man couldn’t keep shit in his pants and his brain was rotted from porn and addiction when he had perfect potential on being a good partner i hate how it ruins relationships and ruin my perception of myself i hate how theres women who have only fans i hate it so much i hate worrying about dating again and thinking in the back of my head that they probably have high expectations on sex and that theyll only care about that or secretly admire other women they watch i hate when people make me feel like im insecure when i say i hate it or when i set that boundary where i dont want that. Im sorry this is so scattered i just had to get that off my chest