Mods & Dev Commands: Thoughts?

I have a Valheim world that me and a few friends have played on since the Mistlands release, a few of them had never played the game before so we took this new world as a way to introduce them into the game and play through it together. One other person had played the game besides me, we showed the group the ropes and ended up completing the Mistlands completely vanilla (one of the players is on Xbox, and me and the other experienced player were running the game through Xbox gamepass on PC). Since Ashlands came out, we both decided to purchase the game on the sale that was going on upon the release of the update.

Last night we were doing some running around in the Ashlands, and the other player had missed a session of resource gathering, so this session was starting by going out and getting what we needed to get him the gear he wanted. Upon starting the session, he was asking what certain gear was and would leave the server and come back in with the gear. When confronted and asked “did you just spawn that in with dev commands on your world?” He got super defensive saying he did a bunch of grinding in his world to cut down the grind together, even though he didn’t even know what the gear was minutes before. On top of this, he insisted that he load into the vanilla world with his mods (I have absolutely no idea how he managed to do this on a privately hosted vanilla world) and even after two of us spoke up and said it wasn’t fair to do that, he refused to change it. We explained that we have struggled this far in vanilla and that we feel it diminishes what we have done, and he pretty much replied with “no it doesn’t.”

On top of this, I have personally been renting a server for a separate world, to help a new group of players learn the game (about a group of 10), and he has been doing this same thing, after we had set strict guidelines for the veteran players that we wouldn’t bring in gear and equipment that exceeded the biome we are in. He’s insisted on wearing Fenris armor, with the flesh rippers and bringing in a stone cutter to build a massive stone structure for his house while we are all in the BF/Bronze age, on top of spawning in materials to make said building because “he doesn’t want to destroy the natural look of the land at his house”. On top of this, it is a vanilla server (again there’s people playing on steam decks and Xbox) but he’s again insisting that he load in with his mods even though multiple people aren’t comfortable with it.

All of this context is to ask the question, do you feel as though under these types of conditions, this type of behavior with mods and dev commands diminishes the game? I personally feel as though in this context it is sapping the fun out of these play throughs, and I intend to have a more in depth 1 on 1 conversation about it. We have worlds we play on with mods, and do whatever on and so I understand how useful the mods can be, but this is supposed to be a shared vanilla experience, separated from the modded worlds we have.