Check out my web app: (A better When2Meet)
Hey everyone! CS student here with another project for you all: a website for scheduling meetings that creates a heatmap of availabilities on a calendar!
Most of you have probably used when2meet before. But that app hasn’t been updated much in over 10 years, and the user experience (especially on mobile) is suffering as a result. My friend and I tried to address all of the issues we had with when2meet with a new website:
MeetingBrew improves in these ways:
- The mobile UI
- Large and easy to use
- New touch and drag interaction to display a semi-transparent overlay with respondents’ availability
- Click and drag reliably works when filling out the calendar - no more buggy accidental deselections
- Added functionality
- Every element is interactive (hover with your cursor!): from the calendar, to respondent names, to the heatmap legend
- Click the checkbox next to a respondent’s name to filter the calendar for only times when these vital attendees are available
- You can set a custom link for extra flavor ⚡️✨
- Invite button copies the link to your clipboard
- Misc.
- Timezones are very functional thanks to an ungodly number of hours spent researching global timezone and DST rules
- A modern UI rehaul
Where we hope to take MeetingBrew in the future:
- More breakpoints for the responsive layout (better split-screen on desktop)
- Dark theme
- Link previews when sending Meetingbrew links (see the calendar heatmap from iMessage or Discord link previews)
We’d love any feedback that you have! Try it out!
👉 👈