Looking for advice

I set these up on Feb 2, and this is the progress I have reached after pretty much ignoring these rice bags untill yesterday and today. Before I decided to do this I read the guide multiple times, and lurked here scouring every thread for advice in preparation.

Is this the growth I want or have I been growing mold in these bags for the last month? I know that mycelium growth is white and I have read can appear fuzzy, but then also read so can mold in some cases so I just wanted a confirmation/reassurance if I am good or should ditch these. I know my incubation station doesn't look the ideal but I'm just working with what I have.

I did use a SAB and the room used has a high capacity HEPA filter running 24/7, and everything was thoroughly sprayed and wiped with 70% ISO through the whole process.

My temperature stability is my biggest concern as it's winter and it is pretty cold, my temperature will be 19 sometimes as low as 18 in the morning, then it maintains 21 throughout the day. From my understanding the colder temps will just slow the colonization and isn't as likely to risk contamination compared to having higher temperatures like 22-23.