Rightmove Reference Check

My wife and I are moving to the UK in December. I am being transferred by my current employer. They are handling the visa applications through a third party consulting firm, but the visa application is taking longer than expected. Our visa applications are drafted, but the CoS is taking time because of company bureaucracy. The visa start date is going to be December 11th, and we plan to travel to the UK a week after that and pick up our BRPs the day we land.

We’ve found an apartment in the UK and are working on our Rightmove referencing. There are so many questions in the reference check that I feel like I’m unable to answer at this time, since we don’t have our visas yet. We were led to believe that we’d be able to sign a lease on an apartment before the visa start date; we would just not be able to pickup the keys and official start our tenancy until we can prove right to rent via share code.

Any suggestions on how to handle the referencing?

It seems like we have to provide right to rent as part of the Rightmove online forms. Plus my new employment in the UK doesn’t officially start until January.