What is "Psy-ops" exactly?

So, Psy-ops and debunking, I'm assuming, are two cheeks of the same arse. Am I right there?

Having spent the best part of my adult life interested in the cosmos, astronomy, space, sci-fi and the UFO topic, I kind of think I have a healthy grasp on reality, realism and the difference between entertainment, media and education.

Having had careers in the latter part of my last paragraph, I've somewhat had an interest in this newfangled neo-realist UFO movement and I'm terrified at how far right the subject has become.

The subject was once very leftbank. It was a fun subject that was about discussion, research, sharing, collaboration and it was more or less, a subject that was "open source", that had both an element of entertainment, and intrigued.

But the actual turning point in the subject, I'd say, was about 2018-19, whereby there seemed to be a sudden shift towards the blending of realism and creationism. There's a very dark undercurrent of late and I can't quite put my finger on it.

It isn't the fact that it has become very commercial, that happened in the 90s with X-files and the advent of the boxset generation, 3rd generation video gaming, and the advent of social networks.

Yet there is a kind of deep-seeded element that has taken hold and it is palpable. It is a tad culty, and I can't tell if people are roleplaying, if the topic is hip-deep in machine learning (A.I), or if it is just becoming privatised?

The religious aspect of it, which I'm owing to TTS academy, S.G (CE5), and NN (R.C), have, I feel, degraded and diluted the subject with the view to reaching a new audience and generation. And this is where I'm having a hard time computing what is actually going on.

There are obviously, a lot of young adults on Reddit. There are obviously also a lot of A.I bots. We know this. And with social media platforms like T.T and I.G helping lubricate the realms of reality for this next generation of consumers. I can't help but wonder if the true psy-op is coming from there?

I've just been called a psy-op, then a troll, then a debunker, for simply pointing out the fact that pictures and words multimedia, can not be taken at face value and pointed to as evidence or proof. To suggest as much is absurd. We all know this.

I think it was L.E in a discussion with R.C on NN said that 98% of UFO stuff online is fake. That's a very conservative figure in my opinion. Nonetheless, we know, that there is more evidence to suggest that media is falsifiable. That's just a simple fact that is the ultimate irrefutable truth that many try to get you to dibelieve.

But, really? What is the true psy-op here? What even is a psy-op? And do folk really, really, really believe that with everything that is going on in the world, that there are people within a department in government, who concern themselves with going on Reddit, to debunk or discredit, spread misinformation? To question the veracity of individuals claims on a social media discussion site, to what, protect a claim that was made over 50 years ago, in order to keep "disclosure" from happening of the government having alien technology in secret?

Or by claiming there's "MIB" on Reddit - is it some strange roleplay game that I'm not aware of - some 4D realism LARP, that affirms a belief system that more or less acts as a mental anchor that they are some kind of truth seeker, Fox Mulder-lite figure that is continually being stymied?

I know the Matrix was ahead of its time, but, is there really some big theatre/drama game being played that the vast majority of us aren't aware of? And if so, who is writing the script(s)?