Edward heighten sense when Bella farts

Okay first let me start by saying this is to make people laugh and bring some fun in. I also told someone on my last twilight post I’d do this😂😂😂. I keep my promises

Now let’s get into. I know dang on well this man has been flabbergasted by the smell! I mean she’s mainly always cooking the fish her dad catches so I know that don’t smell like roses. Personally that would be one reason unless Edward changes me I wouldn’t date him like constantly being self conscious of everything you do would be exhausting! I know she holds it in all day till he gets back to his house and let it out. Imagine if she was lactose my lord I know that sensitive Eddie nose would burn if it could. Then again he seems the type to sniff her crack to be “one with Bella human side”.

He may not mind it of course but I know he probably like “holy s**t that one gotta kick.” He probably smells every fart atom😂😂😂. She can’t control what happens in her sleep so I’d most definitely if I was her wake up apologizing just in case he got a sniff.

Edward better than me because when she woke I’d be like “women what do you eat? Road kill?! Smells like liquid a**” 😂😂😂