The Cullens really didn’t care about Bella in the beginning
As someone who read the books, listened to the audiobooks, and watched the movies. I started to pick up on little signs after midnight sun was that they didn’t really care about Bella. They cared about Edward. That’s a huge difference because if he had just killed her, they would have done the same cycle they always did when one of them slipped up. But since Edward was becoming a psycho over this girl it kinda felt more like they thought “listen kill the girl..don’t kill the girl…just don’t go off the rails…we will love her if it keeps you around”
Let’s be honest if your vampire son was always threatening to disappear and kill himself if he can’t have this girl or if something happens to her, of course as a parent your gonna cling to this girl because she’s the only thing keeping your son from permanently removing himself from the picture. When they all made bets in midnight sun it was kinda like Bella was nothing but a game to them. Emmett was the only one telling Edward how it was like “dude I really don’t see the obsession just kill her or don’t you weirdo”
Now at some point I think they began to like her but in the beginning I genuinely think it was all for show. Especially for esme who never liked being around humans but finally having one who knew their secret made her feel a little normal. For Alice bella was a Barbie doll. For jasper she was a Buffett. For Rosalie she was a waste of air…no no..more like In Rosalie eyes she had no since of maturity only obsessed with the supernatural but not understanding what losing her life would mean…Emmett was fine if she lived or died😂 I mean he was fine with her alive seeing as he just saw her as a little sister but in the beginning he genuinely didn’t care…carslie (sorry I think I spelt his name wrong) cared for human life but he cared more his family peace and sanity than anything.
This is just my opinion. Strictly my opinion so don’t go feral about it please.