Christmas babies
Hey guys! I am so torn, we’ve been ttc since about September and I had a chemical pregnancy in January. Fingers crossed for this cycle, but if not next cycle puts my due date on Jan 2ish. I have always said that I refuse to have a baby at Christmas, having a December birthday myself and hearing a bunch of complaints from other people that have one as well. It’s just kind of put me off. But since we’ve been trying for a while and I had a chemical I also don’t want to “waste” a month.. I don’t really know and I am torn on this.. I know I’m not alone but I also want to hear from others on this as well..,
Edit to add, this is not because of me, this is cause I don’t want my child to be upset with a Christmas or to feel like they’re unlucky for it, as I’ve heard many people with Dec complain..