TTC for 6 months
Hello. I am a 29yo that has no known fertility problems. In September of 2024 I had my iud removed as my husband and I were ready to start ttc. I had been taking hormonal bc for about 8 years- 6 of those I had an iud.
In my naivety I thought I wouldn’t have to try hard and it would just happen. But here we are 6 months later and I’m still not pregnant. Other than my first month after having my iud removed (42 day cycle- I basically skipped a period) my periods have been pretty regular (I think). My last 5 cycles have been 27 days, 30 days, 25 days, 24 days, and 23 days, respectively.
I’ve been taking opks since october and I’ve had peaks ranging from .60 to .90 (never gotten a true 1 to 1 ratio on an opk before) but for some reason my second cycle after I started testing and my current cycle (currently on cd 14) my tests didn’t go up at all. Currently, I’ve been sitting at .15 for 7 days now. It’s weird because I have ewcm and ovulation cramps currently. I know I could just be ovulating later this month so I’m going to keep testing but I guess I’m just starting to get discouraged.
I know it hasn’t been that long that we’ve been ttc but I’m wondering what advice others in my situation might have. I’ve been looking into starting to track bbt to confirm ovulation but I know myself too well and I would not be consistent with remembering to take my own temp in the morning so I would need to get some sort of temp tracker device. Any recs for bbt tracking devices? Are they worth it if im having regular periods? Do you have recommendations on other fertility monitors or apps that helped you? Or do I need to give my body more time to adjust after getting my iud out? Should I look into getting my husband’s sperm tested?
I hate the idea that I’m not considered to have fertility issues until we’ve been trying for a year. I feel like it’s too early to see my obgyn about it but I don’t want to waste the next 6 months when there could be something that could help me out now. Thanks!