Australia Working Holiday Visa Questions
Hey guys. Hopefully this is a good place to post this. If not I guess someone will let me know lol. Anyway I’ll just get right into it:
I want to work as a fruit picker somewhere that’s hot and sunny. I don’t mind extreme heat as long as I can drink water occasionally and I would like a gig like that (where you just keep your head down and work until you’re done for the day). So I don’t know much about Australia but I’m thinking of flying to a place like Darwin, cairns, or maybe somewhere like broome to start looking for work. What do you guys think? Would those be the best places to start looking?
How easy would it be to get my own room for accommodation? I hate sharing rooms/hostel type environments and it’s pretty much totally non-negotiable for me. Also I’d prefer not to live on a farm, whether that means I get a car or something and go to work that way everyday or people from the farm pick the workers up in the morning or whatever.
Thanks in advance for responses. This is all very overwhelming to research so your insight will be greatly appreciated 🙏🙏