diy t will literally kill you
dude... i went to your profile from your post saying that you should educate yourself on hrt because doctors can be incompotent and... i saw on your profile that you're ftm and support diy hrt. didn't you know that that's dangerous and illegal????? testosterone is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to afab bodies. any dose higher than 25mg every 14 days (if your afab body can even handle injections AT ALL) will literally cause your liver and heart to instantly fail. and it might cause scary side effects like masculinization too!
this is serious! you can't just say that anyone should be able to access hormones. plus, don't you know that steroid dealers literally LACE testosterone with FENTANYL? no i've never heard of a single case of this happening with testosterone or any "steroid" for that matter, but i heard of it happening with drugs and testosterone is basically the same thing as heroin because they're both illegal drugs!
and you want MINORS to be able to access diy too? didn't you know, hrt will literally make all of your organs explode if you take it before your 18th birthday without EXTREME caution. you NEED to blindly trust your doctor because hormones are SO COMPLICATED and will KILL you if you get even one thing slightly wrong!
i can't believe you. you are insane thinking that hormones could ever be safe or that anything illegal could ever be good. didn't you listen to d.a.r.e.?