Someone told me to stop HRT

Hi... I'm a 19 year old guy who is taking HRT because I have gender dysphoria and want to be like a girl.

I've only had this profile for a short time, but several people have already written to me telling me to stop taking hormones and accept being a boy, train to build muscles and things like that.

The fact that they tell me I'm a boy and use male pronouns doesn't even make me angry, it just gives me a sense of resignation. Mostly because I do it myself: I use he/him even if I want to use she/her and I can't consider myself a girl.

But the thing about stopping taking HRT triggers me so much. I mean... if I hear that I go crazy even if those people have no power over my life. But taking hormones is like too important to me, if they forced me to stop taking them I would immediately do something really bad and irreversible. I don't know who would be interested in what I wrote, but I need to get things out of my head or I'll overload and explode. "Stop taking hormones" is the worst thing anyone can say to me.