Trans ppl attracted to the other gender, do you consider your relationship queer?
Sorry if this is worded weirdly. I was talking to my sister about Heartstopper, specifically about Elle and Tao, since I just started watching the second season. My sister said that Tao is basically queer because he’s dating Elle, a trans woman. I told her that Elle being trans doesn’t make Tao any less straight, but she gave me a weird look. It made me feel uncomfortable, even though I’m not straight myself, I’m bi. I personally feel like if a woman is into me and other guys only, that wouldn’t make her or our relationship queer (I’m a trans guy) imo. I'd feel invqlidated if she suddenly claimed she were bi or wtv because of me but maybe I'm just insecure. I don’t know - I’m just curious about the opinion of other trans people on this conversation