The prime egg directive

So I (24 baby mtf) have a friend, lets call them Kim. Kim has been a punk for forever, dressing in "ironic" dresses, and also have been on a mentally bad place the last 8 years I've known them, in and out of rehab for drugs all the while.

I'm like 90% sure theyre an egg. After I came out as trans, the messages from them have been increasingly caring and loving (if that makes sense), like a sense of relating unspokenly.

They posted a picture in a dress with the trans pride flag and posted the same picture with the dress without the flag a minute later, and I believe they forgot to delete the first pic. I have been dying to ask them about if theyre trans. I want my friend to be happy. I was drunk a couple days ago when they posted it, and messaged them about it, but deleted it before they saw it, as I remebered the "prime egg directive". I decided to let them figure it out themselves.

Can someone tell me about the PED. Why is it bad to crack someones egg? Any input is appreciated <3