Army Cap on Tomb Kings in IE?
So the past few days I played an IE Campaign with a friend of mine. He played as Cathay with Miao Ying and I played Tomb Kings with Arkhan. We are at turn 130 now and while he fields 18 to 20 armies, I field 11-12. The only option I have to get more armies is with the Canopic Jars, but since everytime I get a new army price goes up, and the Canopic jars don't really scale with the size of my empire like money does, he can field just more armies than I do. We have about the same amount of settlements and provinces and wanted to fight each other in late game, but now there is not really a point in doing that, since he would just outnumber me to a point where its not really fair anymore. So am I missing here something? And if not and maybe if a CA employee read this, can you guys please patch this somehow? TK is such a great faction and in single player and Tw WH II it wasn't much of an issue. Also I think in WH II all faction couldn't field that many armies that quickly. But this just feels lame.