I can't get Gnollegrom.

I would love to play my first "long" campaign as Thorgrim, but I can't get to Gnollegrom within 15 turns. I know, it's not important, but I can't even get to Gorm! (Skill issue, I know). I instantly declare war to Skarsnik the turn after I take Mount Squighorn, and manage to kill his main army at the first settlement caputered in Deadrock Gap province (forgot its name) between the end-turn. I take the other settlement in the provice and MAYBE waste a turn to reach Mount Gunbad. After that, I'm stuck. I never went North, and I try to shield my flank from Tretch by selling the settlement at the edge to Ungrim for a Military Alliance. I always went South, but there's not many grudges anymore and I waste sooo many turns to get there. I also never, unfortunately, get the dilemma to declare war to a random enemy so they accumulate grudges. Do you fellow Dawi enjoyers have a strategy? Maybe I should go North, or East? Anything that can help my campaign would be really appreciated. Thank you, and have a wonderful day. :)