Am I the only one who hates instant siege attrition?

Since we're all airing our grudges.

I know the goal was to add more land battles because TWWII had significantly more siege battles in them but now Siege battles are just auto resolve if you just chill at their gates for 2+ turns.

What? Are grave guards going to starve to death? Are the wood elves going to run out of grass to eat in 10 minutes? Are Dwarf holds going to run out of provision instantly even though they're the most impenetrable places ever? Is that why they sallied out in their first trailer? Oh, here's my favorite, is the Great Bastion surrounded on all sides even though it's a huge WALL!?!

Not like sieges are all that impressive in Warhammer III but imagine defending your castle when 30% of your army dies before the A.I decides its built enough siege towers, and 4 battering rams with 3 full stacks of horse archers.

I wager some of my best memories in WH have been holding off a tide of foes wave after wave until you're pushed back to the last chokepoint. Or hell, even cheesing your last choke point with vortex spells was certainly 'funner' than what's going on now with sieges. AITAH? Are sieges just worse than corner camping checkerboards on the field?