How tf do I get my toddlers off the screens?

Ugh, I hate that I’m even asking this. My kids go to school from 8-3:30 daily. However, when they get home, they immediately want screen time. When it’s time to turn it off, it’s a meltdown - especially the 3.5 y.o. My nearly 5 year old gets over it in about a minute but the 3.5 y.o. has such a meltdown that it puts a damper on the rest of the evening. I don’t want them to be addicted to Minecraft (older one) or watching dumb shows like Nastya.

I want them to WANT to play, do story time, etc. as a family. I really feel like they believe screen-time is more important. I’m so over it. I wish I would’ve never introduced them to the TV. I had no idea this is what it would turn into. One day you’re watching non-stimulating baby TV and the next thing you know years have gone by and life feels like a prison.

Do I just go cold turkey? Set a very strict limit with very clear boundaries? Is all screen time bad? If any is allowed, is there a certain time after they get home when it would be best? What is everyone else’s routine like? I don’t want my kids to feel like they are being punished because things are changing. I just want them to play more with me, play more with each other, play independently without the TV being at the forefront of their minds.

Edit: thank you everyone for the wonderful advice! We’re actually moving tomorrow, so I think this will be my best opportunity to sort this issue out in a new environment. I will not be immediately putting up a TV in the living room and will no longer have one in my master. First, we’re going to go cold turkey for 10-14 days, including myself. I will be using my phone only if necessary. I’m going to remove YouTube entirely and add only low stim shows on our TV subscriptions for when they are reintroduced eventually. I will be capping them at 30 mins each. They can choose either game or show, whether it’s on the tablet or family TV. I will be setting a timer and if they do not give it up, then they will lose privileges for the next day. I am going to be very clear with them about what is happening and create a more structured routines for our afternoons/evenings. I don’t think I will take it away during preschool days simply because I do remember wanting to come home from preschool and watch Rugrats and relax for a bit. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I think the most important part is the time limit, boundaries around it etc. However, if it becomes a problem for any reason on those days, then it will become weekend only. My one concern is that if I go cold turkey and then reintroduce, it will start all over again, but I’m hoping I can avoid that with new rules in place. Someone said it was like a drug addict with positive reinforcement, but as their full time parent, it would be nice if I could have 30 mins to shower or cook dinner without interruption. I do not have a partner to assist with chores, cleaning etc. I’m doing this on my own.

Let me know if anyone thinks my plan could use any adjustments. I’m open to more suggestions! Thank you to everyone who responded in a non-judgmental manner. I never planned for my kids to be completely “screen free kids”, but I also didn’t plan for their little brains to be legitimately addicted. I plan to inform both of their therapists of my plan as well, so they can act as a support while we get through this time 😅 thank you all so much!