Weaning a breastfeeding addict

My 2yr3m daughter is addicted to breastfeeding. I’ve always fed on demand, which made her gain weight really fast, she’s very tall for her age. She’s incredibly bright which makes me think she has a hard time winding down, and that’s why she’s always wanting comfort. She’s been a terrible sleeper since 4m. We tried sleep training, we tried taking shifts at night but in the end it was easier for me to cosleep and give her my breast at night. I thought things would get a lot better as she grew older such as losing interest in breastfeeding, and longer stretches of sleep but she’s back to waking every 1.5hours and aggressive if not breastfed when she wants to be. Since she’s smart, I thought saying no breast, breast is sleeping, you’ll have bugs in your mouth if you drink at night, would maybe deter her, but she’s too into the habit that she doesn’t respond…although the amount she drinks seems shorter. I try to fend her off but she’s so strong and stubborn and I have 0 energy to stay awake for hours trying to settle her and get her to sleep since I also work. At least she go down the first time without it.

Last night I got a whopping two hours of sleep since my brain says ‘she’s going to wake up’. I am an insomniac now and I finally feel like this can’t keep happening. Scary thing is, 2hours of sleep and I feel completely awake - this can’t be good. I’m going to try and get my husband to sleep with her more this week and try to completely cut off breastfeeding at night and hopefully keep breastfeeding in the day. Do you think this is possible or should I go completely cold turkey.

I feel so guilty because it’s her number one thing, she says she loves milk more than me hahaha! I hate to see her crying hours on end but I guess something has got to give.

Not sure what I want to say in this post. But any extremely difficult weaning stories might make me feel less alone.

Update: thank you all for all the amazing responses! Through my delirium, I bit the bullet and made sure to night wean. My husband took charge the first night, my daughter became pretty anxious the next night, so from there I slept with her but put wasabi on my nipples. She now knows night boobs are spicy and even though she has cried for them at night, she doesn’t dare to try them. The first few nights she was waking at strange hours and totally waking up before the sun rose demanding feeds but this morning…she slept from 9:30pm to 5:30am! I woke up a couple of times but she didn’t. This is huge. I never knew things would get better this quickly. I hope to god it stays this way.