Almost everything people suggest to me to buy is not worth it

For this post I’m going to specifically call out the $70 water table I bought. People claim you can always get them used for cheap but I couldn’t find one. People on Facebook marketplace always wanted like close to price of new for their dirty, moldy water table.

My kid just isn’t into the water table. It’s just a hassle to store it, clean it, refill it. I think we have used it twice.

99% of what I’ve been influenced to buy has just been a fail that takes up a lot of space.

If we want to play with water I just give her a bucket of soapy water and a sponge and she cleans stuff outside and it’s basically free. Or I hand her the hose and she has the time of her life. Or the sprinkler. I didn’t need to spend $70 to play with water. That is all.